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Best Treatment for a Sore Throat and Clogged Nose

A sore throat and stuffy nose is perhaps the most common ailment mankind suffers from.  Every year, more than 45 million people go to the doctor’s office for sore throat treatment.Your throat gets tender and swollen and even simple tasks like swallowing seem to become unbearably painful. But swallow you must, and when you do, the agony of all that food scratching your throat on its way down is just too much. Read on if you would like to know how to get rid of a sore throat.


Recommended Reading: Best ways to deal with a stuffy nose


A person gets a sore throat when there is an inflammation of the pharynx. This is the tube that connects the mouth to the oesophagus. You may be wondering what causes sore throat. Pharynx inflammation may occur due to any of the following reasons:


Bacterial Infection: This may result in fever with a runny nose and aching muscles. Headaches, stomach aches and swollen glands are not uncommon either. A strep infection, which is caused by streptococcal bacteria, may even cause permanent kidney and heart damage. These infections are treated with antibiotics once the doctor cultures the bacteria and identifies the cause of the sore throat.


Viral Infection: The symptoms are similar to bacterial infections but viral infections such as colds or the flu can’t be cured. Doctors try to treat their symptoms instead. Sore throats from viral infections generally heal on their own within a week.


Though a sore throat may seem to be a minor annoyance, it should not be taken lightly as it can be a symptom of some serious illness. Strep throat, if left untreated, can lead to scarlet fever and rheumatic fever. So it is important to get medical advice as early as possible. If you have a fever and body ache in addition to a sore throat, chances are that it is Strep Throat and you should immediately visit a doctor. It is also advisable to seek medical help in case your sore throat lasts longer than four or five days.


Remedies for sore throat work only for mild sore throats which accompany a cold or allergy. Common household items can be used to create simple home remedies for sore throat that ease the soreness and pain. These can also be used alongside traditional medicine. We have listed many sore throat remedies below. These should not be seen as sore throat cures but more like ideas that may lead to much needed sore throat relief.


Garlic: Sucking on garlic can not only treat sore throats but helps prevent it as well. A freshly peeled natural remedies for clove, sliced in half and placed in each cheek will do wonders. Just suck on it and occasionally

crush it with your teeth. It will do wonders as chemicals in garlic are known to kill bacteria.


Lemon: Herbal remedies for sore throat often have lemon as the primary ingredient. Mix lime or lemon juice with honey in a glass of warm water. You may take it as often as you feel like, just remember to sip slowly.


Horseradish: Among the long list of natural remedies for sore throat, this is the one we have found most effective. Mix 1 tablespoon each of honey and pure horseradish. Add some ground cloves. Mix all of it in a glass of warm water and drink it slowly.


Cider Vinegar: Mix 1 tablespoon each of cider vinegar and honey in a glass of warm water. Sip slowly. You can also gargle with it if you add 1 teaspoon salt to it. This remedy for sore throat and cough is surprisingly effective.sore throat remedies for kids


Hard Candy: Studies have proven that sugar helps soothe a sore throat. It will also keep your mouth and

throat moist which is very comforting.  This one is among the best sore throat remedies for kids that you will ever find.


Gargling: This is a great way to cure sore throat if you can gargle without gagging. Also make sure never to drink the liquid you gargle with.


Turmeric: Mix ½ teaspoon each of turmeric and salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle with it twice a day. You can also add turmeric to hot milk and drink it.

Saltwater: Dissolve ½ teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water and gargle three or four times a day.

Sage: Mix 1 teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. Let it soak and strain it after ten minutes. Add a teaspoon each of cider vinegar and honey. Gargle three or four times a day.


Analgesics: You may take an aspirin if you have a really bad case of sore throat. However, it is prudent to consult with your doctor first. Analgesic sprays too can temporarily relieve pain.


Steaming: Bury your head under a towel with your face over a bowl of hot water. This steam tent is a tried and tested way to ease the pain and even accelerates the healing process.

In addition to these remedies, here are some more tips that will make it easier for you to cope with a sore throat.


Hot Liquids: Hot beverages like coffee and tea are great for soothing a sore throat. Having a hot drink when you are down with a cold will feel heavenly.home remedies for sore throat


Rest: Have lots of rest so that your body can use the extra energy to fight the infection. Take a couple of days off work and stay in bed.


Decongestants: A blocked nose only aggravates a sore throat as it forces you to breathe with your mouth, specially when you are sleeping. Use decongestants and nasal sprays to keep your nasal passages clear.


Fluids: Have lots of fluid and drink atleast ten glasses of water a day. This will keep your throat lubricated and reduce pain and irritation.

The above mentioned remedies for sore throat are some of the best and most effective. Follow them and get on the fast lane to recovery.

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